Friday, October 3, 2008

Black Mercedes CLK


Dangerous driving.


Picture the scene. You are parked in a petrol station, and you see a car coming on the main road, doing about 90 kmph. There is a slip lane for you to use, but no, you decide to pull directly out in front of the car driving at less than 30 kmph, and then decide not to accelerate, but to just block the road and force the other car to brake violently to avoid you. You also veer in a diagonal across the path of the other car as it swerves to avoid you, forcing it across into oncoming traffic, and come to a halt half in the turning-right lane at the crossroads 30m up the road. Why did you do this? I don't know. You're obviously not in a hurry, so why not just wait until the road is clear? You must be a) a complete moron, b) half-blind, or c) someone so wrapped up in their own self-importance because you drive a Merc that you saw the oncoming traffic and said to yourself "F@*k him". And it's only a base-model CLK in any case, a small hatchback that looks like a Megane but has a silly emblem on the bonnet (that emblem cost you maybe €10,000? Sucker!).


Exiting petrol station on Ennis side of Ardrahan on N18.