Dangerous driving.
So, you're driving along the Corbally road in the darkness of early morning, after a night of freezing temperatures, on an icy road. You see a bus indicating and pulling out in front of you, and decide to blindly follow the van in front of you in overtaking this bus even though there is a car coming the other direction which you didn't see because you are too close to the van. The van, who had a clear view and left enough space to complete the manouver, successfully pulls in to the left side of the road. You now realise you are overtaking a moving bus with a car coming straight at you, so do you back off? No! You accelerate (green in diagram), and force the oncoming car (white) to swerve hard up against the pavement, and the bus (red) has to brake hard desperately trying to create space. There is a line of traffic ahead of the bus, so you gained no time and the whole manouver was pointless. You are a) completely stupid and should be taken off the road; b) very dangerous; or c) totally selfish and quite prepared to disregard the rules of the road to the extent that you are prepared to play chicken with oncoming traffic and gamble with innocent peoples' lives in order to gain a few metres. Oh, and what if you'd hit a patch of ice? Unfathomable behaviour.
Driving on Corbally road past Shannon Banks.