Ignorant/selfish driving.
So, you're driving along in the overtaking lane. There is a queue of people behind you waiting to overtake you. The inside lane is empty. You refuse to move over. You are a) stupid; b) completely unaware of the Rules of the Road and believe you are in the mythical "Fast Lane"; c) totally selfish and don't care about anyone else on the road.
This behaviour may well deserve its own specific category, as so many people seem to be ignorant of the section in the Rules of the Road that describes driving where there are multiple lanes.
A brief excerpt:
Using lanes properly
It is very important that you understand the purpose of each lane on a motorway. To help explain how and when to move from one lane to another, each lane is given a number. The picture below shows that lane 1 is the lane nearest the hard shoulder. This is also known as the inside lane. On a two-lane motorway, the lane nearest the central median is lane 2 (also called the outside lane). On a three-lane motorway, this lane is lane 3.
Lane 1
The normal "keep left" rule applies. Stay in this lane unless you are overtaking.
Lane 2
On a two-lane motorway, use this for overtaking only and move back into lane 1 when you have finished. You may also use this lane to accommodate traffic merging from the left.
On a three-lane motorway, you may stay in this centre lane while there is slower moving traffic in lane 1.
Lane 3
If you are travelling on a three-lane motorway, you must use this lane only if
traffic in lanes 1 and 2 is moving in queues and you need to overtake or accommodate merging traffic. Once you've finished overtaking, move back to your left and allow
faster traffic coming from behind to pass by.
The full details can be found at: Location:
Dual-carriageway into Galway.